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Friday, September 21, 2012

New Utility Cart Fleet for the Dallas Convention Center

The Dallas Convention Center’s Assistant Director, Al
Rojas, getting ready to drive a brand new
Cushman Tug.
The Dallas Convention Center (DCC) - one of the largest convention centers in the nation - has acquired new equipment from, Luber Brothers, the local supplier of industrial equipment. The utility carts will assist in the management and set-up of many major conventions, meetings, concerts, antique and auto shows they host each year.

  “With most of their vehicles two decades old or older, they were more than ready to get a large influx of new equipment,” said Luber Brothers Sales Manager Tim Sisson. “The Cushman vehicles they purchased are really easy to maneuver in tight spaces and a perfect fit for the amount of cargo they                                                                                           have to tow across the convention center.” 

The 22 brand new Cushman electric utility vehicles have a combined towing capacity of more than 52 tons. The DCC can now get a large amount of supplies moved quickly, whether towing culinary tools for the Annual Cooking and Entertainment Show or boxes of feminine beauty products for the popular Mary Kay Seminar.

The 13 Cushman Titan’s have abundant capacity with a 21.6-sq-ft deck and 3,000-lb payload. The  nine small, yet powerful Cushman Tugs with 5,000 lb towing capacity, easily tow large loads through confined aisles and spaces.

 For more information on these or other Luber Brothers products, please visit To contact us, please e-mail or call (972) 313-2020.